Chalk One for Israel
It might be possible for readers to gather the impression that at least the Elder Zookeeper harbors some anti-Israeli (although he prefers the "anti-Zionist" formulation) bias. A typical post on the subject tends not to cast Israel's conduct in a favorable light.
It should be noted that the E.Z. stifled the impulse to immediately post U.N. Sec.Gen Kofi Annan's charge that the Israeli artillery fire that killed four U.N. observers in Southern Lebanon was "apparently deliberate". That seemed a little hasty (even to us) and we were confident that subsequent revelations would be sufficiently damning to be worth the wait. (There's that bias again.)
Subsequent revelations have turned out a little differently that we supposed. One of the late observers (the Canadian) had sent recent emails indicating that Israeli fire near their position was a "tactical necessity", apparently to deal with Hizbollah firing positions themselves deliberately sited to take advantage of the "shelter"of the U.N. outpost.
So, in the Israeli/Annan duel on this topic, score one for Israel and
Stay Naked
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