Wednesday, July 19, 2006

“Members, now is not the time to go wobbly. Let’s give victory a chance.”

Remeber that great quote? Well it was uttered by none other than Congressman Gil Gutknecht (R-MN) . Rep. Gutknecht has been a HUGE supporter of the War in Iraq...until he actually visited Iraq recently. Here are some of his insights from our friends at Mankato Free Press...also known as 'South Central Minnesotas Information Gateway:)
“The condition there is worse than I expected,” he said. “... I have to be perfectly candid: Baghdad is a serious problem.”
Thank you for that penetrating glimpse into the realm of the obvious. He goes on:
Gutknecht was critical of some of the “spin” from Bush administration officials in the Pentagon and the State Department. He specifically pointed to past statements that a few hundred insurgents were causing the violence in the Iraq. Military officials say they’ve captured 10,000 even as the insurgency continues unabated.“That’s a far cry from what we were told originally,” he said. “... All of the information we receive sometimes from the Pentagon and the State Department isn’t always true.”
So the Pentagon AND the State Department are lying to members of Congress? Ouch...So what does Mr. Hawk suggest?
“What I think we need to do more is withdraw more Americans”
Wow! You might not be able to teach an old dog new tricks or lead a horse to water but if you scare the piss out of him he might see things more as they are and not as he wants them to be. Perhaps all is not lost.
Good on ya Rep. Gutknecht...welcome back to the land of the thinking;)
Are you worried about events in Lebanon and Gaza and Iraq and Iran and Syria and...whew. Do you feel anxious? angry? betrayed? Where do you feel this? In your heart? In your stomach? In your mind? It's horrible and horrifying what people are going on John Stewart to find out where you REALLY are going to feel it...Be prepared. It's ugly:)

Can you believe those idiots? Of course you can...

Stay Human and as always...

Stay Naked.



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