When Will We Know What Happened ?
Hi, Zooheads. Do you believe the US miltary command "stood down" on 9/11 or that the hijackers were trained at US military bases or that the World Trade Center towers collapsed because of controlled explosions set before they were hit by two hijacked aircraft ? No ?
Oh, then you must have missed the convention in L.A. 1200, more or less, dedicated conspiracy buffs gathered to pore over reports and photos and hear a range of speakers denounce various villains as actually responsible for what actually happened.
9/11 is the biggest thing to happen for conspiracy fans since the JFK assassination in 1963. (In the interests of full disclosure, the Elder Statesman here at the Zoo still warms his hands over that one.) But 9/11 has the same problem that plagues the Kennedy theories, no matter how lame the Single Bullet Theory or compelling the evidence for a Second Oswald.
And that problem is the requisite size and consequent unlikely silence of the conspiracy. Take for instance the problem of American Flight 77 which, according to the official version, struck the Pentagon. There are various problems with the O.V., some of them quite compelling. The problem with the competing versions, which generally have some kind of a rocket or missile hitting the Pentagon, is: What, then, became of the actual Flight 77 and its passengers and crew ? Was the plane and all of it's occupants destroyed ? Where ? When ? By who ? You see the problem.
On the other hand, the Pentagon has acted to cool the conspiracy jets by releasing (after nearly five years) security video of the "plane" hitting the Pentagon. Apparently, in the nearly two minute video the "nose" of the plane is visible for a "fraction of a second". The Zapruder film it is not. Will the Pentagon succeed ? Will this video still the critics ?
Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha HA. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !
Ponder the Single Bullet. Consider the too perfect roundness of the final hole in the inner ring of the Pentagon and
Stay Naked
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