Pot Suddenly Gets Bad Rap!

Pot is in the news once again. A couple of years ago Britain decided to de-classify cannibis. That is, they moved it from a Class B (cocaine/heroin) drug to a Class C drug, implying it's not as dangerous as they previously thought. Not so fast sayeth the United Nations...here's some news from the Sydney Morning Herald.
New strains of highly potent cannabis are as dangerous as heroin and cocaine, and the drug can no longer be dismissed as "soft and relatively harmless", the United Nations has reported.We've heard this before though haven't we? Are you buying it? (Literally;)Then the UN makes it personal..
Antonio Maria Costa, the head of the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime, said that countries got the "drug problem they deserved" if they maintained inadequate policies.Yikes! So you dumb Brits deserve a drug problem...damn, talk about not pulling any punches.
"Despite early claims to the contrary, cannabis dependence is a reality. Many people who use cannabis find it difficult to stop, even when it interferes with other aspects of their lives, and more than a million people from all over the world enter treatment for cannabis dependence each year," the report said.So what do you think Zooheads? Pot=Bad or Pot=Good or both?

Speaking of Yikes! Russian leaded Vladimir Putin has reportedly ordered Russian Special forces troops to hunt down and "destroy" the people responsible for killing four Russian diplomats in Iraq.
The speaker of Russia's upper house of parliament, Sergei Mironov, said last week that Russian officials had been negotiating for the diplomats' release, a possible indication that they had identified the kidnappers or knew a reliable intermediary.So it appears the Russians at least have a place to start in their hunt...great, another band of heavily armed, vengeful men roaming around Iraq...this one has Clusterfu*k written all over it...stay tuned for more on the Russian hit team...
Ok, time for some good news. Are you a struggling democracy? Need a Parliament in a jiffy? Well then we've got the product for you. Check out Global Instant Objects 'Pneumatic Parliament'. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll let the pics tell the story...

Step Four: Peoples rejoice!

I gots to get me one of these:)
Stay global and as always...
Stay Naked.
It was almost exactly one year ago when Costa popped up to say that 'cannabis smokers support terrorism,' rather obviously at the behest of the US Drug Czar (ONDCP).
Cannabis is no more dangerous than it has been for the last 5000 years or so that humans are known to have used it. Regardless, anti-drugs activists are pulling out the 'not your father's marijuana' and 'evil hydroponics' lies for their recent talking points.
Hydroponics is just a means of delivering nutrients to a plant. It no more makes '10-20-100 times stronger' cannabis than a human being fed intravenously turns into Superman.
Analysis of US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) cannabis seizure samples from the 1960s forward has in fact shown a definite increase in the percentage by weight of THC contained in cannabis. However, that increase has nothing to do with any 'modern super cannabis' and everything to do with user preferences.
Over 95% of the THC in a whole cannabis plant is in the buds or flowers of the female plant. The seeds, leaves and stems have comparatively almost no THC at all. In the 1960s & 70s, cannabis growers left the largely inert seeds, stems and leaves in the final product. When buyers expressed a preference during the 1980s and forward to buy only the buds, growers began to omit the 'shake' or inert material which the user usually discards anyway. Consequently, the DEA's seized samples appeared to have gained a great deal of strength when THC content was compared to total weight of a sample. The DEA didn't discover super, genetically engineered cannabis- they simply tracked a user preference trend. If old cannabis seizure samples had all the 'shake' removed, the THC content would be within a few percentage points of recently produced cannabis.
Cannbis hasn't changed much- the anti-drugs wowsers are just working a little harder. However, the public isn't buying the disinfo. The more over the top they go, the more farcical the message. Antonio Maria Costa's suggestion that 'cannabis is as harmful as cocaine and heroin because all are derived from plants' is probably the most absurd thing I've read on the topic in about 20 years. Makes me look at my salads in a whole new light. ;)
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