Saturday, June 24, 2006

Only the Best

We don't often do book reviews here at the Zoo and we aren't doing one now. We are doing an author review.

If you don't read fiction (and many don't, nothing wrong with that), don't read further.

If you don't like crime fiction, read no further. You won't like LA homicide detective Harry Bosch, so why bother.

If you read fiction, but haven't tried crime fiction, there can be not better introduction than Michael Connelly's series featuring Bosch.

If you read fiction, like crime fiction and don't know Harry Bosch, you are going to weep with gratitude.

These are the "police procedural" vein of crime fiction, but Connelly is a master of balancing the fascinating details of homicide work with interesting and credible stories.

Connelly has stories that don't have Bosch and they are worth reading, but the Harry Bosch tales are the core of his work. It's summer time. Drop a couple of Connellys into your travel bag. You won't be disappointed and when you're done, you'll feel qualifed to process a crime scene with the best of them.

Stay Naked


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