Monday, June 26, 2006

Satire is Dead . . . Again

Satire has been pronounced dead in the past. At or about the time that Henry Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize (you see what we mean) , the legendary satirist Tom Lehrer retired from the field declaring the practice "obsolete".

Just days ago I saw a clip of Carlos Mencia examining the various proposals for "immigration reform", in particular the plan to run all the illegals out and then build a huge wall to keep them out. "You run out all the illegals", asked Carlos" who's gonna build the wall ?" We got a good laugh on that one.

Then up steps Don Goldwater, a Republican candidate for Governor of Arizona, proposing that illegals be held in internment camps (example of WWII camp for Japanese Americans seen above)and satire is instantly tranformed into reality.

To the credit of Arizona Republicans, Goldwater's notion (which he justifies by a comparison to chain gangs) was quickly repudiated by other prominent Arizona R's.

BTW, the Zoo's guess is that nothing much is going to be done about the non-crisis that underlies the present ranting, bloviating and posturing. Big business likes the illegals, small business likes the illegals, you like the illegals and we like the illegals.

Keep up with the Spanish lessons and

Stay Naked


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