Where have you gone Paul Wolfowitz?

Wonder what's been going on with Iraq War architect Paul Wolfowitz? Discerning readers will remember that he is now the head of the World Bank. According to The Financial Times, "unless he moves quickly to appoint a team that is representative of the shareholders that is credible to the staff, his presidency risks ending in paralysis and disappointment."
Ouch...what's the problem here? Apparently he's appointed a bunch of cronies and he's not listening to anyone who might actually know what the hell they're doing? Sound familiar? I wish I knew one of these guys:)
JAMES FREY UPDATE: Did y'all see lying 'memoir' write James Frey on Oprah yesterday? Check out some video clips here at Salon.com
Scroll down a little and you're there. She ripped him apart on national television and all I can say is, "Thank you Oprah". I read the book, was sucked in, believed it and am pissed. I'm also sick of the holier than thou types saying it wasn't a big deal. It was...people left 12 -step programs because of that book and his 'Hold On' approach...not only is he a liar (Hey, I've lied my ass off, I've got sympathy on that score)...but he hurt people...lots of people. It does matter...truth matters and when you hurt people it matters...

Stay Naked.
And don't mess with Oprah:)
Don't you think today's Frey post should at least refer to ( if not apologize for) your "he's just an addict" post of January 9 ?
I too was wondering if there would be mention to the Jan 9th posting? In that post it sounded like it was all good for Frey to lie in order to help explain his real pain.
I must be "holier than thou" because I think that the HUGE deal around the "I feel duped" thing is more about individual personal association than about Frey lying as an author.
It does matter that he lied, but I don't think he can be held responsible for people leaving programs. Each individual is responsible for personal choice. Should it go unmentioned, should he continue to capitalize on it with out people knowing... Heck no.
As with most liars, he can only go so long before the gig is up.
Must be time to counter-comment:) Love the posts guys, keep em coming.
As to the Jan. 9th posting...all I was saying is that it's no surprise a 'dry drunk' would also tell a million little lies. It's kinda the hallmark of the condition. I absolutely believe it mattered he lied and am crying no tears for his public Oprah fueled enema...that said, if I said I had cancer and claimed that my willpower, rather than the most successful treatment available, helped me...and people read my book about my struggles with cancer and came to the conclusion that they too could decide to forego treatment...well then I feel I would be responsible for those actions...at least to a degree.
Yes, you are responsible for your decisions but you make those decisions based on information you've collected from what you perceive to be reliable sources...
Frankly I don't know if Frey is/was an addict or alcoholic...he may be nothing more than a problem drinker with a narcississtic complex (which is regarded as untreatable;)
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