Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"The Pimping of the President"

I just wanted to type, "The Pimping of the President" :) This is an older article from the Texas Observer about how Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist sold access to President Bush for $25,000 a pop...I hope they got to keep the White House ashtrays...

Also not in the news today...violence is escalating in Afghanistan. The Christian Science Monitor (and if you're laughing at the name you don't know what you're talking about)...reports a sudden surge in suicide bombings...25 in the last four months. Check out this flash of brilliance from US commanders, " US military commanders in Afghanistan, however, have downplayed these fears before the past weekend's violence, saying that there is no certainty that the Taliban or Al Qaeda is regrouping in Afghanistan." Must be those pesky girl scout suicide bombers currently plaguing Duluth...

Editorial Aside: We are pulling out of Afghanistan, where we are wanted and where Al-Queda and Osama are...and we are stopping reconstruction funding in Iraq, where we are not wanted...does this seem like a 'PLAN FOR VICTORY"?

Stay Naked.


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