Does This Seem Right To You ?
We all know that the scales of justice are not always perfectly balanced. How do these two cases measure up to you.
Case Number 1. U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer, Jr. has been convicted of causing the death by asphyxiation of an Iraqi general (who was inarguably entitled to Geneva Convention treatment) by stuffing him headfirst into a sleeping bag, binding him with electrical cord and sitting on his chest. "Negligent homicide", says the Army. We'd call it careless at a minimum.
Speaking of minimums, what is Chief Welshofer's sentence. Sixty days. In jail ? No. Sixty days of "house arrest" which means he can't leave his house for two months. Except to go to church. Or to work. Which apparently means he just can't leave the base.
Case Number 2. The St. Patrick's Four, Daniel Burns, Clare Grady, Peter DeMott and Teresa Grady. Two days before President Bush commenced the assault on Iraq these folks walked into a miltary recruiting station and splashed blood (their own blood, unlike Bush and Welshofer) on the walls. A state court jury voted 9-3 to acquit so the presecutor took it to the federal court.
Everybody is convicted of "entering a military for an unlawful purpose" and "destroying government property". Penalties ? Well this is serious business, unlike the torture and killing of a prisoner protected by the Geneva Convention. Four to six months in jail plus some halfway house time for some of the defendants.
Democracy Now has more as does the Cornell Daily Sun. The MSM ? What is the sound of one hand clapping ?
Please be outraged and please
Stay Naked
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