Sunday, January 15, 2006

Notes from the Privacy folder

Have you heard of LocateCell or CellTolls? No?
These are companies you can go to if you wish to purchase the cell phone number or CELL PHONE RECORDS! of ANYONE! Think I'm kidding? John Aravosis aka AmericaBlog, purchased the cell phone records of former Presidential Candidate General Wesley Clark...for $89.95. Check out his story HERE.
John was nice enough to call Gen. Clark and let him know his defenses have been breached.
The point here is not to make you paranoid. Hell, I figured long ago that the government was all over the cell phone calls with Echelon but the fact that there are now companies that traffic in your personal data...on a consumer to consumer basis is another reminder of the world we live in...

That said, the 12-year old that resides in my heart is intrigued...

I wonder if you could get Karl Roves records?
Scooter Libby?

Oh the mind reels...

Stay Naked.

++What's up with that image? Good question. I was looking for a cool 'cell phone' jpeg and came across that image. It's a visual representation of how much cell-phone 'chatter'. "The data included density of cell phone calls, their origins and destinations, and the whereabouts of users." Those MIT researchers are cool...Yes, I'm a Geek:)


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