Saturday, January 14, 2006

Open Letter to James Dobson

Dear Dr. Dobson:
The invaluable Media Matters for America tells me you are disappointed in the results obtained on issues dear to you by the first five years of the Bush Administration. I hate to be the one to tell you, but you've been had. You know. Conned. Hoodwinked. Used.

You see, Bush & Co. don't actually give a hoot about your causes, "the pro-family agenda, the pro-moral agenda, [and] the sanctity of life." You and Rev. Falwell and Pat Robertson (see my Open Letter to him HERE) and other conservative clerics are useful because you can turn out a dedicated base of conservative voters, but after that ? Photo-Opp City, if that.

We are talking about the Neo-Cons here, Doctor, and they are on a whole 'nother page from traditional conservatives like you. Take a look at their founding documents, like the Project for a New American Century. Not much about the family there.

Or check in on Grover Norquist's American's for Tax Reform. You must know Grover. He has the weekly meetings where the Republican Right plans stategy. Anyway, look at his program. Shrink the government, but not much on conservative morality.

So you, I am afraid, "have been used in the hands of them all like a tool". I'm sorry. The realization must be a bitter one.

This is all coming from a brother Christian, by the way. As I told Pat, I'm way more liberal than you guys, but we share a belief in the essentials of our faith. As with Pat, I worry that your involvement with politics and politicians may run counter to the Lord's admonition that we not "belong to the world".

I don't recall any Scripture about Christ's involvement with organizing people to solve the many temporal problems they faced, but you probably know more about that than I do.

I hope this perspective is received in the spirit in which it is given and I hope you will take no offense from our traditional salutation here at the Zoo, when I say

Stay Naked


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