First we had the Keating the Abramoff 36!
Remember the Keating 5? The five Senators bought and paid for by failed Savings and Loan exec. Charles Keating. Hell, do you remember the Savings and Loan Scandal?
Now we have the ever-expanding scandal of influence peddler Jack Abramoff. The most recent update has the Associated Press doing a review of campaign finance records, IRS records and congressional correspondence...Abramoff had his hands in lots of pies but one of them was Indian Gaming (he is currently being investigated for over-charging some tribes for his services...among a host of other deeds of malfeasance)
Turns out they found 36 congresspersons who wrote letters on behalf of his clients shortly after receiving donations. Their response:
"Lawmakers said their intervention had nothing to do with Abramoff, and the timing of donations was a coincidence. They said they wrote letters because they opposed the expansion of tribal gaming — even though they continued to accept donations from casino-operating tribes."
Yahoo News story found here.
Next time someone call you 'thick-headed'...just smile and say, 'Thank you' researchers have found that meditation makes the brain 'thicker'
Stay Naked.
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