Saturday, November 12, 2005

Jesus on the Zoo?

That's right. The Zoo welcomed famed Jesus/Resurrection scholar Dr. Gary Habermas to todays show. . He was on discussing his book, "The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus". It was rarity in talk interesting discussion on an incendiery topic in which no one yelled at anyone and no names were called:)
We want to thank Dr. Habermas for his appearance and encourage anyone interested in the topic of Jesus' resurrection to check out his book...

Please check out the great WaPo article by Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus on Bushs most recent trip into the Looking Glass...

Also, an open letter to President Bush from Iranian Journalist (Or governement stooge) Hassan Hanizadeh. It's a 'perhaps you're listening to the wrong Arabs''s also an interesting "History of Islam" (From a Pro-Iranian Shia perspective;)

Stay Naked.

If you like the pic above, please check out Jeff for more of the same...good stuff.


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