Thursday, November 17, 2005

We're O.K., You're Irresponsible

In BushLand, that separate universe where the President and his close associates dwell, things are different than in the world where most of us live.

In BushLand:

Planning a war against Iraq even before you are elected is farsighted, worthy of praise and cannot be faulted; and

Targeting Iraq after 9/11, when Al Queda, a largely Saudi organization based in Afghanistan was widely held to be responsible for the attacks and there was zero evidence tying Iraq to the attacks or to Al Queda is . . . well, its just manly; and

It is perfectly alright to ignore the bulk of the evidence and the majority of the experts regarding Iraq's pre-war purchase of aluminum tubes in order to increase the apparent danger of Saddam aquiring nuclear weapons; and

There's no problem with relying on patently forged documents while ignoring the onsite report of a veteran diplomat to assert that Saddam was buying uranium in Africa; and

Who could object to relying on a defector codenamed "Curveball", who German intelligence had pegged as unreliable, to charge that Saddam had mobile weapons labs ready to churn out bio-weapons by the ton; and

The fact that your Secretary of State's critical speech to the United Nations has proved to be riddled with falsehoods and is now, in the Secretary's own words a "blot" on his record and "painful" is hardly worth mentioning; BUT

Don't let anybody suggest that the White House misled anybody about going to war because THAT would be "irresponsible" and "reprehensible".


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