Poor Mary Mapes...
Talk about someone unclear on the concept. Shitty reporting followed by a shitty attempt at covering you own ass does not a memoir make...unless your name is Mapes. Quote from Mapes new book, "Truth and Duty" as reported on Editor & Publisher, "To these people, there was no such thing as unbiased mainstream reporting, certainly not when it came to criticism of the president, no matter how tepid. To them, there was Fox News and everything else -- and everything else was liberal and unfair." By 'these people' I assume she means anyone who disagreed with her horrific reporting....suck it up Mary. You f'd up bigtime and your hubris brought down Dan Rather (his own hubris also)...say you're sorry, say you messed up and move on...blaming other because they had the temerity to point out your weak-ass reporting is...well...weak-ass...
Link to final Rathergate report.
An unfair pic? Sure but so funny:)
Stay Naked.
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