Monday, October 03, 2005

Who would have thunk it?

I'd actually be praising George 'Boy Wonder' Stephanopoulos (who, I should add, ought to send 25% of anything he makes to James least 25%)...anyway, according to transcripts of ABCs "This Week" as reported on Think Progress, Georgie-boy said the following, "Definitely a political problem but I wonder, George Will, do you think it’s a manageable one for the White House especially if we don’t know whether Fitzgerald is going to write a report or have indictments but if he is able to show as a source close to this told me this week, that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions."
I haven't wished for something to be true this hard since I heard Jennifer Aniston was leaving that guy...the idea that Bush & Cheney are DIRECTLY tied to the Plame Affair? Sweet Jesus it sends me in paroxysms of ecstasy...

Sidenote: Stephanopoulos is still a punk-ass bitch in the Zoos estimation for his flagrant "Watch me push Clinton under bus" Act.

Speaking of Fouls...I hate the New York Times Select as I now have to pay to read Frank Rich...bastards.

Great article here by Jonathan Alter over at MSNBC on the lunatic known as 'The Hammer" (Tom DeLay)..

Stay Naked.

Thanks to for the great image...


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