Who is British Petroleum?
This is off of the official BP wesbite:
Our business is run on the principles of strong corporate governance, a clear system of delegating accountability and a set of values and policies that guide our behaviour.
Man, that hits me right in the chest as do all of those flowery BP ads extolling their virtues. I've been reading a lot about their CEO and how he plans to face global-warming head on.
This is their 'Health and Safety' credo:
Health and safety: to ensure that there are no accidents, no harm to people and that no one is subject to unnecessary risk while working for the group.
And here is the truth as reported in the Houston Chronicle, not exactly a bastion of liberalism...
Highlights are:
-"In a typical year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issues only one or two violations of workplace safety laws that are categorized as "egregious" nationwide. BP received 296 egregious violations."
-BP is categorized by the Occupational and Safety Health Association (OSHA) as an "indifferent employer"
-15 workers died in the March 23rd blast that resulted in these fines. 170 were injured.
Stay Naked.
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