Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who You Callin' a Gallo Capon ?

On the eve of leaving office President William Jefferson Clinton announced "Plan Columbia" and blithely tossed another $1.3 billion into the black hole that represents our pathetic and ludicrous War on Drugs. But, golly, that was a George W. Bush term and a half ago ! How are things going now ?

For this we turn to Watching America and a report from . . . of course, Columbia. From El Tiempo, a leading Columbian newspaper we get the depressing, but not surprising, information that the war is not going so well. Cocaine supplies, after billions of dollars spent to reduce them, are up. 22% up. Street prices are down. Police are corrupted. Anti-U.S. forces in Central and South America strengthened.

Here's a sample:

"The obvious and repeated conclusion is that this crusade is lost. I have a folder full of similar clippings: "U.S. officials maintain that the fight against drugs has failed" (El Tiempo, Feb. 5, 1995); "Losing the war against drugs" (Diario de las Americas, July 21, 1998); "The U.N.'s useless effort to eradicate drugs" (The Economist, April 5, 2003); "Crop reduction has not lowered drug production" (El Tiempo, October 25, 2005); "It is time to ask whether the remedy has been worse than the disease" (El Tiempo, October 29, 2005); "The failure of the war against drugs" (El Espectador, Feb. 12-18, 2006); "The cultivation of coca in Colombia increases" (El Pais, Spain, April 17, 2006)."

There's lot's more, but in order to read it and survive you'll have to

Stay Naked

Oh, yeah. Gallo capon, means "castrated rooster" which is a collquialism for cuckold, which roughly means "somebody's fool" which, in this case, means you and me, babe.



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