More Reprehensible Irresponsibility
For those who enjoyed our recent post on Vice President Cheney's tongue lashing of any who would suggest the Administration misled the American people into the ongoing unpleasantness in Iraq, we have a new offering.
It now appears that ten days after 9/11 (that would be 9/21/01 for the fastidious) the CIA handed President Bush a thorough analysis of all available evidence regarding a link between Saddam and Al Queda and or the 9/11 attacks. Oddly enough, there wasn't any. Then. Now. Ever.
This document, the President's Daily Briefing for 9/21/01, is obviously incredibly damaging to Bush's case for war and to Cheney's campaign to prove there was no misleading. So the recently awakened Dems in Congress would like a peek. "Not gonna happen", says the Whitre House, whose spokesmen will not go beyond admitting the document exists.
Read the whole story by Murray Waas in the National Journal here for the complete disclosure. I knew there would be something to be thankful for today besides turkey.
Needless to say, the truth provided by the CIA did not stand in the way of Bush & Co. linking Saddam to 9/11 at every opportunity, a practice that has continued up to this week in Cheney's speech to the American Enterprise Institute.
"Believing they could strike us with impunity . . . , they attacked us on 9/11 here in the homeland, killing 3,000 people. Now they are making a stand in Iraq --"
You see ? "They" attacked us on 9/11 and now "they" are making a stand in Iraq. See the whole sorry transcript here.
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