Your tax dollars at work...

What is this a picture of? It's of a place called 'Salt Pit' located in Afghanistan. It's a prison paid for with your tax dollars. Haven't heard of it? That's the point. It's part of a covert system of prisons used by US intelligence services (and God knows who else) to detain, interrogate and house 'terror suspects'.
It's these kinds of stories that take the wind out of my sails. I love my country. I really do. I think the American experiment is one of the high points in human history...but then you read about 'covert secret prisons' set up to house and interrogate 'terror suspects'. Who are these 'terror suspects' and what are the suspected of? We have no idea as this entire system is outside th united states judicial system. Here's a chilling quote from the Wapo article on these sites," intelligence officials defend the agency's approach, arguing that the successful defense of the country requires that the agency be empowered to hold and interrogate suspected terrorists for as long as necessary and without restrictions imposed by the U.S. legal system or even by the military tribunals established for prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay."
Do we occupy any moral high ground anymore? We argue, in practice, that we can detain and interrogate anybody for any reason for any length of time using any method...
And we wonder why 13 year old boys are deciding it's in their best interest to strap explosives to their chests and kill as many of us as possible?
What would we do if some entity was spiriting away our fathers and brothers to unknown locations for indefinite periods of time?
We would fight them with everything we had available to us.
Is this news new? No...the Washington Post has done a terrific job reporting on this. Here's a May 11th, 2004 article on this exact situation that put the number of 'terror suspects' in US custody at over 9000...that's 9000 families that are not-so-happy with the US led Jihad on the math...
Stay Naked.
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