Friday, September 16, 2005

Know thine enemy...

Stay Naked...
The Zoo has come to the conclusion that, despite a fervant wish on our part to create harmony, we are faced with a seemingly intractable opponent. Are we talking about the insurgents? No. The Taliban? No. The islamic jihadist movement? No. We're talking about our homegrown form of virulent, well-organized, well-funded, well-trained shock troops...they don't really have a singular name or at least one that has stuck. 'They'
are not the 'neo-cons' people like to rant about. 'They' are ideological right wing christian shock and women pouring out of right-wing think tanks, universities and a wide variety of indoctrination centers. 'They', while howling about a 'gay agenda', are systematically going about changing our proud governement into a theocracy...Today, we chose to illustrate who we think 'they' are in the person of Michael Schwartz. He is currently the Chief of Staff to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok.) Here's a sampling of his thoughts on judges:
"I'm a radical! I'm a real extremist. I don't want to impeach judges. I want to impale them!"
"Specter (Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter) is the Great Satan, of course," Schwartz remarked. "But still, I'd rather have him as committee chair than [Utah Republican Senator] Orrin Hatch, because Specter knows how to terrorize the opposition."
Most of the information for this posting comes from an excellent article written for the Nation by Max Blumenthal that you can find here.


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