Monday, September 12, 2005

New Orleans "Unsafe for a decade"

Oh yeah? According to who? Hugh Kaufman, an expert on toxic waste and environmental disasters at the EPA. He's been with the EPA for 35 Years, since it's inception and is currently a senior policy analyst in it's Office of Solids Waste and Emergency response. He accuses the Bush administration of covering up the depth of the problem...

In related news, President Bush promised to assess with damage done by Hurricane Katrina without getting wasted on Budweiser...he was quoted as promising a "sober look" at how federal agencies responded to the disaster. In a not very surprising development, Bush was unaware that FEMA Chief Mike Brown had resigned, "Maybe you know something I don't know, But as you know, we've been working, and I haven't had a chance to get on the phone.'' This follows the White House policy of not telling Bush important things...remember the Cessna scare in DC? :)


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