Saturday, September 10, 2005

Talk about Terrified

A unanimous Court of Appeals held that the government has the power to hold American citizens indefinitely, without charges or trial.
That is you. That is me.
Jose Padilla, the subject of this opinion, was arrested in Chicago. The government says, but has not proved, he is connected to Al Queda. He hasn't been charged with anything. He has been in a Navy prison for three years. He will now remain there until Bush, or some later President, frees him.
How can this be ? Congress gave the President the power when they voted for the Iraq war, so say the Wise Men of the Court of Appeals.
Think about this. Jose Padilla is in jail forever because the President says he is an "enemy combatant". No proof. No trial. Nothing.
The difference between you and him ? Bush hasn't called you an enemy combatant.
Are you terrified yet ?


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