Monday, October 24, 2005

I feel like a kid at Christmas...speaking of Christ...

Here's a Wapo article on the impending Fitzgerald news conference. They're handicapping and coming out in favor of indictments for Rove and Libby. Republican blond ambition tour chief Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson was reduced to the perjury is a 'techincality' defense. An interesting gambit to be sure...looks like the Republicans are fresh out of 'talking points'.
Gut check time at the White House as Bush is reported to be angry and bitter these days. Here's a telling quote "This is not some manager at McDonald's chewing out the help," said a source with close ties to the White House when told about these outbursts. "This is the President of the United States, and it's not a pleasant sight."

Is this source suggesting that were George Bush not the President of the United States that he would be a manager at a McDonalds? I'll let you be the judge of that.

And in, "Holy shit this is the most amazing news I've ever...actually, I should have seen this coming" column...famed vampire and soft-core S&M writer Anne Rice is 'out' as in 'born-again'...I can't wait for Pops to chime in on this one as my dear father is also a 'born-again'...

Stay Very Naked today...:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't pass up an invite like that.
I am unlikely to express surprise at someone else choosing Christ as there was none less likely than I was . . . until I chose.
On the sincerity and longevity of Ms. Rice's conversion I am not competent to judge, but I do know how Jesus feels about a single repenting sinner. See Luke 15:7

5:26 PM  

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