Thursday, August 11, 2005

That Old Black Magic

SecDef Rumsfeld has announced that some (unspecified) weapons in Iraq have come from Iran ! "Clearly and unambiguously". Where do we start ?
Do we compare the certainly of this announcement with Donald's certainty that Saddam had WMD ? Nah, why bother ? Of course there are weapons from Iran in Iraq.
We had better focus on Rumsfeld's admission that he has no evidence that the Iranian government had anything to do with introducing these weapons into Iraq. That part is likely to get lost in the Rove/Novak/Fox/Newsmax and etc spin machine as they crank up hatred and fear of Iran.
Just remember in the days to come, that blaming Iran for weapons smuggling into Iraq is the same as blaming George W. for the smuggling of cocaine into the U.S. He "could control the border" and if he fails to do it, he takes the hit for whatever crosses it.


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