Saturday, August 06, 2005

Naked Zoo LIVE Re-cap

We had a wonderful show today LIVE on KWMR. We air every other Saturday at 10:00am PST on 90.5FM in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can also hear us streaming on-line at

On this weeks show we focused on the Karl Rove/, Valerie Plame scandal. Suspended CNN personality/journalist Robert Novak had a spectacular implosion on live television. Kudos to E!online for a good article. Jay Rosens article is also a must read. We've also got Roves top aides testifying. The scandal that wouldn't go away....Think Progess is also reporting about a new "Valerie Plame" scandal. According to the NY Times and the Washinton Post, an unnamed CIA analyst alleges that he was terminated because he refused to falsify his reports concerning WMDs in the run-up to the Gulf War...
We were also very happy to have Fred Ross from theSEIU (Service Employees International Union). Fred spent 6 years with SEIU as strategic campaigns organizer,currently working with healthcare campaigns in 6 states. In 2004 led get out the vote campaign in New Mexico for Kerry campaign.First voter reg and gotv campaigns I did were with my father and UFW in 1968 for Bobby Kennedy campaign in East L.A. Started working with Cesar Chavez as organizer in 1970 organized lettuce strikes ,March on Gallo 1975,20,ooo participated led nor cal grass-roots  lobbying campaign to win passage of ALRA.organized farmworkers in Oregon and Washington state.Founding organizer of
Neighbor to neighbor, natl grasroots organization that successfully challenged Reagan foreign policy in Central America-natl campaigns to defeat contra aid,international boycott of Salvadoran coffee. Community organizer in L.A. latino community during Pete Wilson prop.187 attack on immigrant,1994-1996chief of staff to Rep.Nancy Pelosi1996-1999 brief
stint as S.F. public defender 1981-1983.
Mr. Ross will be addressing the historic split between the AFL-CIO AFL-CIO and the SEIU. Check out this great article by the Christian Science Monitor Here.

Related Links:
Change to Win Coalition
Living Wage Coalition of Sonoma


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